Monthly Archives: June 2022

London Police Force happy to abuse autistic driver

Title: London Police Force happy to abuse autistic driver after seeing “Autism Alert” card.

Source: London, UK autistic man

Date received:  April 2022


I received information about this case on a support forum last year and wanted to get more information. I did contact the man involved earlier this year, but he doesn’t want to provide more details and though he is happy for me to use his forum text, he is busy and doesn’t want to add more to the story, which I understand very well.

In his own words, here is a brief account of his experience:

I am a delivery driver and had to deliver to a police station. My instructions were to ring when at the gate which I did, waiting for my contact. Shortly afterwards I had someone banging on my door. I opened the window and what I can only describe as a vile human being was suddenly telling me I shouldn’t be here and I have a bad attitude and shouting other things at me that I could not make out. Upon this, I reached for my warning card telling authorities I am autistic. I have all of the episode on a hard drive as my truck has CCTV. I really think I need to pursue this complaint as it has made me feel awful all day and tomorrow I have a CBT session and feel it will be marred by this event. Should I talk to my social worker or go straight to solicitors as I have again been made to feel worthless again?

Update, provided two months later:

I decided to not complain. I did get an apology in the end and left it at that. It was a policeman, by the way.

Although not much information is available I decided to publish what I do have as it is not the first time I have heard of Police Officers reacting badly to being shown an Autism Alert card.